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Mostrando estudio seleccionado:

Study of non-significant lesions in the common trunk of the left coronary artery

Coordinator: Spanish Society of Cardiology.

Area of Research: Ischaemic heart disease

Services provided: quantitative IVUS analysis of 400 patients

Publication: de la Torre Hernandez JM, Hernández Hernandez F, Alfonso F, Rumoroso JR, Lopez-Palop R, Sadaba M, Carrillo P, Rondan J, Lozano I, Ruiz Nodar JM, Baz JA, Fernandez Nofrerias E, Pajin F, Garcia Camarero T, Gutierrez H; LITRO Study Group (Spanish Working Group on Interventional Cardiology). Prospective application of pre-defined intravascular ultrasound criteria for assessment of intermediate left  main coronary artery lesions results from the multicenter LITRO study. J Am Coll  Cardiol. 2011 Jul 19;58(4):351-8

ICORELAB Hospital Clínico Universitario, Instituto de Ciencias del Corazón (ICICOR) Avda. Ramón y Cajal, 3 7ªpl. 47005 Valladolid.
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